
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mind Organization for Moms is Doing its Job

Right now I'm sitting on the couch with Spencer--still in my exercise clothes (though I haven't exercised yet!), trying to finish up some work on Mind Organization for Moms.  There are toys and pillows and blankets and fingerprints EVERYWHERE, but I will get to them in a minute.  This is important...and there are about 7 minutes left on "Dora," so I've got a little window of time to write.

Over the past three months, hundreds of moms have given Mind Organization for Moms a try.  I've received some excellent suggestions and feedback (so a new and improved version is coming out in two weeks), and I've read dozens of exciting emails from moms who are noticing a distinct change in their lives as they're getting organized.  It's a wonderful feeling to know that the hundreds of hours I've poured into this program are actually making a difference out there.

If you'd like to read a few inspiring testimonials, click HERE.

Until September 1st, we're offering the entire program free to moms who share The Power of Moms with 30 friends.  Want to read one of my FAVORITE emails?  Here you go:

So recently I had "one of those days" (actually it seems I can make that statement at the end of most days lately).  It was one of those days involving a teething baby, seven other children running in and out of my house, my daughter decorating her face with peanut butter, piles of dishes and loads of laundry screaming to be done, three cups of apple juice spilled (consecutively), realizing that two of my three toilets look scary (understatement), finding a very overdue medical bill, etc.  I could go on, but why?  This is nothing new to any of you.  

This scenario probably sounds incredibly familiar, and I can almost guarantee that each off you have days that EASILY top this one.  Now, I am not complaining (ok, maybe a little).  I like to think of it as venting.  I feel very blessed that I even have my sweet children, access to yummy peanut butter, and even nasty toilets to use.  

The reason I am sharing this recent frustrating day with you is that I found a few red flags have been popping up in my mind lately.  I feel like I am running a million miles an hour, but in a million different directions.  At least if I were running that fast in one direction, I would be getting somewhere.  However, I am not and as a result am falling further behind in life with . . . everything (oops).  

So while I am not loving this situation, I have just kind of taken the attitude of "I just need to get through this day".  Huge mistake, but I did not realize what a big mistake it was until lately.  My "getting through," survival-type mindset has taken a toll.  I have been grumpier with my husband 
(just ask, or . . . maybe don't), less patient with my kids, losing my love of motherhood, and feeling very stuck.  

So, am I sharing all this just for kicks?  Nope.  I am certain that there are a million other moms out there that feel this same way and there is no reason to stay "stuck".  

My husband tried introducing me to a book called Getting Things Done and while I loved much of it and feel it has a lot of worthwhile information, I needed something more mom specific.  Then a miracle happened, and I found this wonderful site called "The Power of Moms" and . . . they took the Getting Things Done book and made a mom-friendly version of it.  YEAH!!!  Someone loves me.  

I love this website.  It offers the kind of support ever mom needs: sharing frustrations, sharing solutions, sharing great ideas, sharing ways to love motherhood, and sharing how to grow yourself as a mom.  I think I may get unstuck.  They even have a newsletter they send out, "Question of the Week," and "A Monthly Value".  

I love this because I think it will help me to grow and feel more connected to other moms and myself (which is something I have kind of lost lately).    

I really do not want to have to grin and bare it through these next several years of motherhood and feel like I am doomed to never grow mentally, spiritually, or emotionally.  

I am hoping that if you are in need of something like this site (and my money says you are), that you will take the time to check it out and feel a little more motivation in motherhood, not give up on yourself, and reignite the love of the lifestyle we have chosen.  I really hope you enjoy it.  Here is a link:

Thanks for reading my novel (it's my first one)!

I LOVED this email.  It totally made my day.  Not because this mom is struggling, but because she's finding that there is hope.  I know there are millions of moms out there who need hope.  They're feeling tired, frustrated, name it.  I get that.  I feel it sometimes, too, but because I've learned how to deal with those feelings, they don't get the best of me. 

Now I just need to figure out how to take this hope out to all the mothers in the world.  If you have any ideas, please share them!

Okay, Dora is over.  I think I'll get cleaning!  And, as my friend Susan says, "Make it a great day!"


  1. This mom did a amazing job of describing that frazzled feeling all moms have experienced. I especially relate to the feeling of going a million directions and not really moving at all. I always think of a car spinning it's wheels and never moving forward. Mind Organization is great. Can't wait to see the updates!

  2. I am absolutely loving the Mind Organization for Moms program. Not only is it changing my life, but it's making me think in a whole different way (and that's a GOOD thing)! I think it would be awesome if you could somehow certify women to be MOMS instructors (I know I would love to do it) so that we could share these amazing ideas with more women. I think some women that might be intimidated by implementing the system themselves would go to a class to learn how to do it that way. Just an idea!

  3. Thanks, Angela! I'm so glad to hear it. And guess what--you CAN certify to be a M.O.M. instructor. At our September California Retreat, attendees can certify to be trainers, and Mind Org. is one of our workshops that trainers can present in their own communities. I hope you can make it--either to this one or one of our future retreats. I can see it now...moms teaching each other how to get organized all over the country (and world).

  4. Thanks, Angela! I'm so glad to hear it. And guess what--you CAN certify to be a M.O.M. instructor. At our September California Retreat, attendees can certify to be trainers, and Mind Org. is one of our workshops that trainers can present in their own communities. I hope you can make it--either to this one or one of our future retreats. I can see it now...moms teaching each other how to get organized all over the country (and world).

  5. This mom did a amazing job of describing that frazzled feeling all moms have experienced. I especially relate to the feeling of going a million directions and not really moving at all. I always think of a car spinning it's wheels and never moving forward. Mind Organization is great. Can't wait to see the updates!


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