
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why I Was Afraid to Record a Podcast with Jon Acuff

In a post I wrote about a month ago (called "What Scares Me"), I referenced a great book called Start by Jon Acuff.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I was working on the computer while Eric was at some evening meetings, and I thought, "Maybe Jon would want to be featured on our Power of Moms podcast."

Immediately, that nervous/fearful part of my brain started sending messages like this:
  • Jon is a best-selling author.  He's probably too busy.
  • You'd probably be too nervous to do the interview.
  • Don't even try this one.
But then that other part of my brain (that wants to punch fear in the face) replied with messages like this:
  • Our Power of Moms podcasts are awesome.  I bet he'd love to take 30 minutes to be featured in front of our audience.
  • And I've interviewed lots of best-selling authors: Richard and Linda Eyre, Julie Morgenstern, and Katrina Kenison. I can totally do this.
  • I might as well try.  The worst thing he can say is no.
Without taking any more time to think about it, I located the contact form on his website and started typing an invitation.

The next day, I received an email from his assistant who wanted to schedule the recording.  I was elated.  (I even forwarded the email to my husband and my co-director, Saren, with an added, "SO excited!!!!!!!")

Now the podcast is up at Power of Moms, and I can't wait for you to hear it.  I didn't tell Jon how nervous I was, but after a few minutes, I felt totally fine, and I think the interview was wonderful. 

Jon is a great person--very personable, funny, family-centered, and encouraging.  If you don't know about him already, I'm glad I had the chance to introduce him to you.

And the advice in his book works.  See how he's already helping me to overcome my fears?

Go to the podcast page to hear my interview with Jon Acuff.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the podcast. I really want to read the book now.


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