
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blissdom, Family Update, and Disney Guide

I am officially on my way to Blissdom this weekend, and although I am already desperately missing my husband and children, I'm feeling very excited.

Blissdom is a conference for bloggers, and as I have been researching the speakers and attendees, I have been so inspired (and a little overwhelmed, to be perfectly honest). But really, I know this will be great.

Before I get on the plane, I just wanted to give a quick update on my mom and our family. (I've received a few emails asking about them, and I didn't mean to leave anyone hanging! It's so nice that people care.)

Our family is all healthy now (after WEEKS of coughing), and my mom's surgery went well. She's recovering in a special rehabilitation center for the next few weeks, and it looks like she's getting better each day. (There were some REALLY hard moments in the process, and I've kind of been a mess, but things are looking up now.)

While I was going through our sick time and feeling stressed about my mom, I felt like working on something fun, so if you haven't yet, please go see our new Power of Moms Disney Guide, okay?

Creating it was an absolute labor of love, and we're giving it away free as a way to help introduce more people to Power of Moms.

(Plane is taking off soon!)

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your family is healthy and things are looking up for your mom. Enjoy your trip!


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