
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Join Us for Date Night!

Eric and I have a very special date night planned for Friday, February 8th, and for those of you in the area, we would love for you to join us.

"Dinner and a movie" is a nice way to relax on the weekend (and we do that, too), but a Power of Families Couples Retreat, is an amazing way to energize our marriage and figure out specific, simple ways to move our family forward.

I thought I'd put together a few bullet points to better explain what the Couples Retreat will entail, and then you can click the flyer and link at the bottom of this page to check out the full registration details.

Okay, here we go:
  • A Couples Retreat/Date Night is kind of a new concept.  Most of the husbands who have attended these in the past initially made the decision to go because they wanted to make their wives happy.  But you know what?  By the time everyone gets into their discussion groups and starts talking, husbands and wives are both having an incredible time.
  • The reason we do these joint husband-wife events is because when we're trying to figure out how to create the family systems in our homes and establish great parenting partnerships, we really need both parents on board.  And where else do you see couples gathered together, talking excitedly and brainstorming specific strategies for building their families?  Never in my life have I seen the energy, enthusiasm, and deliberate-ness of a Couples Retreat matched.  It's phenomenal.
  • At this particular Couples Retreat, we're going to be focusing on our core curriculum from Power of Moms--how to create a strong family economy, family legal system, and family culture.  We'll talk about best practices for teaching kids about work and money, establishing positive discipline strategies, and making our family life fun in the process.
  • The event is going to be part presentation, but mostly directed small- and large-group discussions.  If you don't feel like talking, you can just listen, but everyone will be given the chance to participate, and that's the fun of it--learning from each other.
  • We price our events carefully.  We want to make it affordable for everyone, but we also want the price to reflect the value of the experience.  This particular night is $80 for each couple.  And we have a special payment philosophy (you can learn more about it on the registration page) that will enable any couple to attend if they really want to do so.  Honestly, if you want to be there, we'll get you there (as long as there's still space left!).
  • I know sometimes husband and wives worry that they'll feel intimidated by the other couples in attendance--or that everyone else will already have perfect families.  Let me squash that myth right now.  We're all learning and growing through parenthood, and when we get together and discover that there are lots of other people going through similar challenges, it makes us feel so much better.
  • When I do my work through Power of Moms, I don't talk very much about my husband--mainly because I know that not every mom has a supportive husband and a healthy marriage, and I want to focus on the power of mothers.  But in this case, for this Retreat, I'd just like to say that my husband is a very dedicated husband and father who cares about other people and wants to strengthen families.  We're both looking forward to this chance to meet you and spend an evening moving our collective families forward.
If you have any questions, please let me know!  The Retreat is coming up fast, so please register soon and we would absolutely love your help spreading the word!

Click here to visit the information page for the February 8th Couples Retreat.

Much love,

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