
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today's Trip to Long Beach

I spent today in Long Beach with my children--visiting my mom and my dear friend Sarah Hull.

We started out at Sarah's house so Sarah and I could record a podcast that will be posting on Power of Moms tomorrow.  Our seven children played inside the house while we sat in my minivan and talked all about how mothers can use their voices for good. (Sarah's husband, Bryant, was kind enough to make sure everything was okay with all the kids!)  This was my first "official" car podcast, and although it started getting a little stuffy in there after 30 minutes, I had such a great time.

Then we went to my mom's house for a bit, and I sat on the couch by her and hugged and kissed her as many times as I could before we took the children to lunch at In-n-Out (my mom's favorite).

Sarah was able to meet us there, and our children were so cute together as they ate and played with their In-n-Out sticker cards.  And the hats . . . I just love the hats:

After lunch, we went to our favorite park, and my mom, Sarah, and I sat together on a bench while the children played together.

We talked about prayer, faith, and motherhood. I told my mom the same stories I tell her every time we get together, and she always smiles and says, "Oh, I'd forgotten all about that!"

Sarah told us about the time she won a student council election in fifth grade, and she skated home as fast as she could so she could tell her mom.  She remembers her mom picking her up and hugging her and swinging her around the kitchen (skates and all), to celebrate this huge moment for a young girl who was naturally shy (though you wouldn't know it, now). 

As I was telling Eric about the day, I said, "It was perfect.  It was one of those perfect days with sunshine and friends and happy children.  I got to be with my mom, and even though she won't remember it tomorrow, I'll remember it."

So tonight I'm going to bed grateful.  I'm grateful to the Lord for such a peaceful, happy day with ones I love. 


  1. I loved everything about Monday! I came home and told Bryant all about our special day! It was so wonderful and so full of magical moments! I felt so blessed to be surrounded by two of my greatest role models! Thank you for this sweet post friend! I adore you... and your sweet family! Love you forever! XO

  2. April--Having a mother who can't remember must be very very difficult. I am so sorry for this loss in your life. It sounds like she is still very sweet and wise, but I'm sure you miss her every day. I am glad you have perfect days like these to bring joy and peace.

  3. Thank you, Rachel. This has been hard, but I told Eric the other day that I think the Lord is very merciful to take my mom just a little bit at a time. She's my best friend. I know you completely understand. xo

  4. Thanks Sarah. We love you and felt so grateful to be with YOU.

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