
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Book is HERE!!!

Last Tuesday afternoon (has it already been a WEEK?), Spencer and I took a little nap together. When we woke up, Eric was sitting in our office.

"Have a seat." he said.

"But I was going to go start dinner." I replied.

"Dinner can wait a second."

"Is there something in particular you want to talk about?"


So I sat down (a little grumpy), and he handed me a large envelope addressed to me.

I squealed.  I ripped open the package.

And this is what was inside:

It's the book we've been working on at The Power of Moms for the past two years.  And the proof finally arrived!

Grace recorded a video of my excitement:


And then she did a little photo shoot with the book:

This is my chapter. 

Eric was teasing me, "So you finally publish a book, and your chapter is called 'Someday I'll Shower Before Noon'?"


I thought it was cute how Grace took photos from so many angles.  (I didn't even post them all.)

Grace set the table with matching plates (we don't usually do that), added place cards, and made our family dinner time into a book celebration.  Then she made a sign that said, "Story Time" and posted it in our family room.

After dinner, I curled up in the armchair while the children gathered around, and I read my chapter out loud for the first time.  (There are 12 chapters total--mine is #11.)

The children were so cute.  They sat nicely during the serious parts and laughed at all the funny parts.  

Later that night, Grace said, "I wrote a book, too."  And this is what was inside:

I'm very grateful to our entire team.  This book is the product of more than a thousand hours of work (that's a very modest guess), and I can't wait to launch it next week.

Ahhhhhhhh!  So exciting.


  1. Congratulations a million times over!!!! So happy for you and all those who helped in the process.

  2. Hooray! Hurrah! Wahoo!! Can you believe it? All your hard, hard work. I love the way your family celebrated with you. Each act of love and support so precious. Can't wait to see it! xoxo

  3. Yippee!!! Grace is the picture of you reading to your kids and Grace just looking up at you! :)

  4. Congratulations April - well done! x

  5. April, I am so very happy for you and all the others who have worked on this!!! Your children are just adorable to celebrate the event with you.

  6. April, I'm thrilled for you. I even got a little teary-eyed on your behalf. Yeah!

  7. So exciting! I'm so happy for you. The video says it all. You work so hard and are so passionate and deserve every blessing.

  8. Oh gosh April, this made me cry! So glad I could be a part of this book too in a small way! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy and have a similar moment myself!

  9. Okay, could that Grace be any sweeter??? So excited for you! The book looks great, and I can't wait to read it.

  10. Thanks Sarah! We're working on getting the books out to all our authors. Excited for you to have it! Thanks for participating in this wonderful project.

  11. Angie, you're so sweet. Thanks for your support. You are doing amazing things.

  12. Thanks Christine! Love you.

  13. Aren't children the best cheerleaders? I didn't know they would even care, but it was a big deal to them. (And P.S. have you seen how many comments are on the FreedomFiler article you wrote for our M.O.M. community? Holy cow. You inspired everyone!) xoxo

  14. You're so sweet Pam. Thanks for your enthusiasm. We love having you at The Power of Moms.

  15. Your books are coming soon! I've read through your chapter so many times, and it is one of my favorites. Miss you!

  16. Thanks so much Brianna. It was a sweet moment with the children. Can't wait to get your book to you!

  17. Yes, I've seen the comments. I think we need more giveaways so we can hear from other moms more! :-) I had no idea it was such a universal struggle.

  18. Your husband and kids are so adorable! I can't wait to have my own little moment like this with my family. And yes, I would definitely say 1000 hours is a modest guess. I think you alone put in 1000 hours!!! Well done and congratulations on a long time dream realized. So happy for you, for all of us, and especially for the moms who will benefit from your vision and hard work.


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