
Monday, April 16, 2012

Never Meant to Be Alone

I'm feeling incredibly humbled and very grateful this week. My article at The Power of Moms, "Your Children Want YOU," has had more than 310,000 likes on Facebook and about a million views, and it's been difficult to know how to respond.

I've read every single one of the nearly 800 comments, and oh, the love I feel for the mothers of the world.  I smile when I think of their sweet experiences with their families, and my heart aches for those who are struggling.  I have felt the comfort extended by those who have lost (or are losing) their own mothers, and I feel so impressed with how willingly mothers rally around each other with encouragement.

We are all on the same team.  We need each other.

In fact, the main theme of this week, for me, has been that we were never meant to go through this life alone.  Our relationships our central to everything.

The Power of Moms is more than a website to me.  It's where I gather with other women who want to be their very best.   My dear friend Saren and I have been working on this community for nearly five years--with the help of our sweet husbands and a devoted board of more than 30 volunteers who have believed in The Power of Moms from the beginning.  (They jumped in and worked for hours and hours this week to keep things running.)

About half of of our board members are pictured here:

It's these women, in addition to the incredible members of our community, who inspire me to be present and deliberate in my own home.  They refine my vision of who and what I can be.  They are my online family, and any deliberate woman in the world is welcome to join us.  I love this organization.

My heart is also full of appreciation for my husband and children.  They've been my rock this week--reading the comments with me, taking on extra housework so I can respond to the massive influx, and dancing with me in the kitchen when they can see I need a break.  I know I'm lucky to have them.  Very lucky.

And there's one more thing that has become absolutely clear:

God is here for each one of us--even on those days we think no one can possibly understand what burdens we are carrying.

The emotions I've felt this week have consistently taken me to my knees and to the scriptures.  I can't begin to describe the details, but I have come to know with undeniable certainty that our Lord is aware of each of us.  He has a perfect love, immeasurable power, and a beautiful grace that can sustain us when we feel we have nothing left to give.

I already had a great love of the Lord, but I have come to love Him even more this week, and I can't not be a witness of that love.  He never leaves us alone.

Thank you all for your support.  My prayers are with each of you, and I am grateful for these online connections--when our lives can touch--if only for just a moment--and we can inspire each other to remember what, really, is most important.

Much love,


  1. So truly happy for the success of the Power of Moms- it is such a great gift and treasure that you and do many others work so hard for

  2. Love you, April! And I love that you've followed His inspiration from the start to create this great community for mothers. He does care about the mothers of the world, and it's obvious that He's using you to help them.

  3. Your love and goodness radiates from this post, April. I'm so very blessed to work with you on Power of Moms.

  4. Congratulations, April. I've seen people from around the world sharing your piece - you have touched a deep chord. I'm also proud of you and honored to recently join your circle of friends!

  5. What an incredible experience you have had and it is also wonderful to see that you have touched the hearts of so many women and mothers. There is such a need for us to help each other and the response to your blog post shows that so many other women feel the same way that you do. Inspiring April! Keep it up xx

  6. I am so glad that I have been able to share your article with friends! Love you!

  7. are amazing! Thank you for your dream and desire to help moms be better and grow everyday!

  8. It is a blessing to be part of such a wonderful organization and work with such great mothers. You are an example to literally thousands! I consider it a privilege to know you. Love you April!

  9. I am so very impressed by this website and your connected website Power of Moms. What a wonderful resource for mothers of all kinds. I only wish I would have had access to this group of women when my four children were preschoolers. That was the hardest time in my life and I only came through it by the grace of God. I am looking forward to getting to know you through your writing! You sound, as I am sure others who read your writing would agree, "just like me!"

  10. I was at the Vegas retreat this past weekend and it was an amazing, life changing experience! I am going to start a Learning Circle and hopefully give some of what I learned to other amazing Moms. Thank you for empowering women and Moms.


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