
Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Most Important Work

Alia and I returned from our Australian adventure this morning at 6:00 a.m. California Time (midnight for Sydney).

The thought that kept running through my mind was this:

The most important work I will ever do will be within the walls of my own home.  

Grace, Ethan, and Spencer met us at the front door with a "Welcome Home" sign that they made the night we left:

It was so sweet to be greeted with squeals and bear hugs on the front porch.

And oh, I have a lot to write about Australia (once the jet lag is gone and my bags are unpacked).

The two Retreats we had in the Gold Coast and in Sydney were filled with amazing individuals.  The friends I finally had a chance to meet after years of emailing were even better in person.  We toured in beautiful places and got to drive on the left side of the road.  

Saren and I had the opportunity to go on National TV to talk about Retreats and mothering, and I did my first radio interview (my heart was pounding hard).  

But really, there isn't anything or anyone as important as the people who know me as a wife and mother.  

I put the quote by George Moore in the header of my blog before I'd ever left North America:

"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

But now that I've traveled halfway around the world, those thoughts mean even more.

Tonight I tucked each child in bed with back tickles and songs.  We hugged and kissed, and Ethan asked me if I would please live to be 500 years old.  Grace told me she was glad that she's not "the woman of the house" anymore, and Spencer didn't throw even one tantrum.  (I think he's matured in the past 12 days without me.)

Eric made us dinner and put me down for a nap this afternoon (for FOUR hours!), and now that the kids are asleep, I'm going to show him all the photos from our trip.

Just wanted to express my love to our friends in Australia for making the experience so wonderful that I was in tears at the airport when it was time to leave--and to my family for being so wonderful that they brought tears to my eyes when I got home.



  1. So glad you arrived home safely and love the picture at the front door. We will sure miss you xx

  2. awww I've only been away from my family for a night so can't imagine being away that long! I bet it was a beautiful day to be back home and just soak all the family time up! I feel so honoured that you came out to Australia and inspired us all. I have so many ideas to put into practice and am so grateful you and Saren, Alia and Ashton made the trip out to see us. Take care

  3. So great to hear from you, Corrie! Thanks so much for coming to the Retreat and for all your participation. Missing you!!

  4. Thank you to your family for sharing you with us. And a big thank you to you and Saren for taking time away from your families to come and meet us Australian Mums to share your wisdom and be such an inspiration. I felt so revived after the retreat and ready to keep on being the best Mummy I can - it is the most important and rewarding job I will ever have.
    I cannot wait to see some more photos of your trip and the retreats!!
    Megan xx

  5. April, I am so glad you had a great time and are now back home with your lovely family! I am sure it was so hard to be gone from them! I can't wait to hear all about your fun adventures (once you have had lots of naps to recover:) )


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