
Monday, May 23, 2011

Our May Park City Retreat

I'm in "catch-up mode" after being away from my home for a few days for our Retreat, but I had to take a moment to post a couple of things I received through my email this morning.

First, our darling photographer, Rebecca Walters, sent us some photos that depict the Retreat experience beautifully:


Aren't those amazing?  For some reason, when I try to write about my experiences at our Power of Moms Retreats, I'm at a loss for words.  All I can think to say is "Light.  Beauty.  Inspiration.  Nobility.  Renewed purpose.  Magic."  When you get that many mothers in one room, who are truly dedicated to making their homes and families great, there is a unique energy that you have to feel in order to understand.

I need to get back to my little Spencer, so I'll close with this letter we got from one of our sweet attendees:

Saren and April,

I just had to thank you for a wonderful weekend. The retreat was exactly what I needed to fill my bucket. Saturday truly was a feast and I've come away feeling so empowered and, well, really the best way I can describe the change I have already started to feel because of all I've learned is....."Momfidence"! Yes! Momfidence! 

I know I'm not perfect and I don't know why I didn't get all these concepts and things before, but somehow in your presentations and stories, I "got it". 

I believe last night as I returned home to my children and today as well, I AM trying to be a Deliberate Mother, and I enjoy it! 

After Fridays Mind Organization presentation, I found myself a little frustrated that my hubby and I hadn't booked 1 more night in a hotel to really talk about things and have more of a vacation away from it all. Then after Saturdays "feast", something magical happened. I found I couldn't wait to get back to the parking lot where my sweet husband was and then to get home an d see my boys. 

Upon arriving home, I found myself relishing every minute with them. The old me would have rushed in the house to see what messes awaited me that I had to get to, swiftly unpacked, etc. I sat on the porch and listened to each of them tell me of their adventures over the weekend and kept looking at all of them and thinking what an enormous blessing and privilege it was to be their mother. 

I had the best time on the hour drive home telling my husband all I learned. He was excited--we both are about this fresh new start we feel in our marriage and our parenting. We feel more of a team than ever. He even took me in his arms last night and asked me tenderly what I needed to thrive! I seriously think I've never been so attracted to him, lol. 

Well, I know you must be receiving hundreds of e-mails but I did want to thank you for how this retreat has changed my life. I am amazed at how much more patience I have with my children because I have become tuned to my inner voice which has in turn given me more control over my outer voice. I am already seeing more peace, contentment and just deliberate joy, love and strength in our home. 

I guess I never fully realized just how much my attitude and how I approached my job as Mom really set the tone and mood and overall effect and feeling in the home. I am doing my best and it is enough and I have Momfidence! Thank you so much. I love you both and appreciate all you are doing to be a resource in my favorite job!

I am so grateful for the chance I have to help with these Retreats.  Saren and I try to make it perfectly clear that we are not the ones who deserve the thanking.  Anything we're able to do is because of the power of God.  We're just filled with appreciation to Him for letting us be a part of this work.

Have a wonderful day!



  1. I second those words - light, nobility, magic...etc. and the words of the woman who wrote in to thank you!

  2. I really want to attend one some day. Ever have retreats in Canada?

  3. We do need to come to Canada! Soon, hopefully :)

  4. Thank you April! I am so glad I came to the retreat and I had so much fun taking the pictures. I'm so glad I got to meet you.

    and P.S. I had a fabulous nap today:)

  5. Thank you April! I am so glad I came to the retreat and I had so much fun taking the pictures. I'm so glad I got to meet you.

    and P.S. I had a fabulous nap today:)


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