
Monday, April 18, 2011

Park City Retreat (and a thank you)

First of all, thank you for all the encouraging comments and emails that were sent in response to my last post.  I can see why blogging is such a popular thing--you feel like you can pour out your heart and then be supported by great people (many of whom you've never even met).  It means a lot.

I still don't know how this blog is going to work in with everything else, but this week I'm sitting down to do some "hard thinking."  I'm ready to focus and streamline my life, and as I sang along to "It's the End of the World as We Know It" today, I felt quite optimistic.  THIS is the end of the "try-to-do-too-much" life I've been leading lately.  My husband keeps reminding me that the best is yet to come.

So before I go bury my head into my desk upstairs, I wanted to post a few photos from our Park City Power of Moms Retreat.  Saren's sister Shawni Pothier sent these to me, and they are just beautiful.  (We're doing another Retreat May 20th and 21st, and I'd love to see you there!)

This was the Mind Organization for Moms Seminar we held on Friday.  Seriously, I'm speechless when I attempt to describe this experience, so I'll just leave it at this:

And I love this picture because Saren and I each had a "taller" sister there (Shawni on the left is Saren's younger sister, and Page on the right is my older sister).  The age difference is about 18 months for both sets.  

We also got to meet with part of our Power of Moms Board on Friday night.  I love these women.

Top row: Megan Stewart, Rachelle Price, Chrysula Winegar, Lindsay Ruiz, Brianna Monson, Kristine Jones, Chantol Sego,

Bottom row: Mary Croxford, Amber Gillette, Lisa Hawkins, Saren, April, Tiffany Sowby, Mindy Thurston, Alisha Gale, Allyson Reynolds

Here's a "power" pose:

We had a nice dinner together, and it was SO fun to see everyone's faces after months of emailing back and forth.

Although I know it's going to take a lot to grow The Power of Moms, talented women like the ones pictured above are jumping in to help us.

Here's a part of one email we got today with a Trainer application:

I loved the retreat. Thank you so much for all you are doing. I can see that what you are trying to do and the vision you have is VERY BIG. I would be very excited to be a part of it.

And here's another email:

April and Saren,
First of all, thank you so much for a beautifully planned and executed weekend. I can only imagine how many months of planning, logistics, correlation and phone calls it took. And I know there were many sacrifices made behind the scenes to make it possible. So - from one who was touched deeply - thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
Secondly, I am just catching up on my blog reading (haven't been doing as much lately) and just read two similar blog posts from both of you referring to the weight and heaviness of your responsibilites. My heart broke because - in my own way - I can relate. So my question to you - How can I ease your load? What can I help with in the organization that would take some weight/anxiety off your shoulders? Though this is indeed "your baby", there is no need for you to shoulder so much when there are so many willing to help. What can I do to make that possible?

That one left me in tears.  A lot of the work has to be done by me or Saren, but there's so much that can be delegated.  I just need to make the time to do so.  It is incredibly comforting to know that we're not alone in this work.

Thanks to all of you for your support.



  1. Oh My God !!! Lovely posting and pretty Looks. really fantastic this post and nice details shared in the post. beautiful smile on your faces . i love it

  2. April,

    Thanks so much for a wonderful retreat. I am just sorry I didn't get to talk to you more, and connect with you; which was something on my "to do" list while at the retreat! I got there a little late on Saturday and had to leave early to get to another event that night. I just have to tell you what a beautiful person you are, inside and out. I love how you are constantly trying to improve your life as well as the lives of others! Hope we can meet again soon.

  3. You did everything so perfectly, April! I'm so impressed by you and Saren!

  4. Thank you for the amazing retreat! I wish I could have come to your amazing Friday night section as well, but I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the hours and hours of work you put in to make this a success. Thanks also for your comment on my blog. That's what I love most is that we mothers can all be a part of Power of Moms and it's just amazing. Thank you! :)

  5. Looks like alot of fun and what a group of mothers! Your Amazing keep up the great work and I will do my best on my end to help out in any way I can!

  6. LOVE THIS!!! I so want to come to one of your retreats - they look super awesome and I so hope we can get one happening here in Australia. there is such a need and I NEED to attend one too! Love what you do and so love that you are helping mothers. Keep up the awesome work! Naomi x

  7. LOVE THIS!!! I so want to come to one of your retreats - they look super awesome and I so hope we can get one happening here in Australia. there is such a need and I NEED to attend one too! Love what you do and so love that you are helping mothers. Keep up the awesome work! Naomi x

  8. Thank you for the amazing retreat! I wish I could have come to your amazing Friday night section as well, but I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the hours and hours of work you put in to make this a success. Thanks also for your comment on my blog. That's what I love most is that we mothers can all be a part of Power of Moms and it's just amazing. Thank you! :)

  9. Oh My God !!! Lovely posting and pretty Looks. really fantastic this post and nice details shared in the post. beautiful smile on your faces . i love it

  10. Intrigued by the "taller sisters" pic. Is your older sister really that much taller than you? It is quite rare to see this. Usually younger siblings tend to tower over older siblings.


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