
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Beautiful Songs By Jodi Perry and Trisha Perry

Hi!  This is Alia! :-)  I am blogging for my mom right now.  My mom has been working really hard, and she and Saren are excited to launch the new Power of Moms website this week.  

Today we were listening to some wonderful songs that my Aunts composed when they were serving as missionaries.  Here's a recent photo, with Jodi on the left and Trisha on the right:

Trisha's song Seguire´ can be heard here (the singers are Trisha, Jodi, and my mom and dad): 

Jodi's song Lost No More can be heard here:

In our church, many people spend a year and a half or two years as missionaries, helping teach other people about how much God loves them.  My Aunt Trisha went to Houston, Texas on her mission, and one day she was going to attend a baptism, and they wanted to sing a special song for the person being baptized.  

Trisha went into a room at the church, and she was able to write an amazing song in under an hour.  When she came home from Texas, she played the song for our whole family.  Even though it is in Spanish, we all enjoy it (I have even learned to play it on the piano!).  

These are the words in Spanish:


Aqui estoy entrando por la puerta que El me enseno
Aqui estoy cambiando y dejando que El me limpie
Aqui estoy en este camino estrecho, y en me quedare 
Aqui estoy testificando de Su amor, y siempre lo hare

Y seguire adelante con firmeza en Cristo
Y seguire adelante con fulgor de esperanza y amor
Y seguire

Desde hoy prometo seguirle y confiar en El
Desde hoy yo dejo atras los errores, y recibo de Su gran paz
Desde hoy yo hago convenios con El, y a ellos sere yo fiel
Desde hoy soy seguidor de Cristo, y mas como El espero ser


For those of you who don't speak Spanish, here is the translation (the best we could do):


Here I am, entering through the door that He has shown me.
Here I am, changing and allowing Him to cleanse me.
Here I am, on this narrow path, and on it I will stay.
Here I am, witnessing of His love, and I always will.

And I will continue forward with a steadfastness in Christ.
And I will continue forward with a brightness of hope and love.
And I will continue.

From today, I promise to follow and trust Him.
From today, I leave behind the errors and receive His great peace.
From today, I make covenants with Him, and to them I will be faithful.
From today, I am a follower of Christ, and more like Him I hope to be.

A few years after my Aunt Trisha came home, my Aunt Jodi went on her mission to Baguio, Philippines.  She also wrote a song (in English only).

Here are the words to her song:

Lost No More
All we like sheep have gone astray,
Far from the Shepherd's care.
Once lost and scared, so far from home, 
With helpless feelings of despair.  

Sitting in the darkness, alone and cold.
I say a silent prayer:
Lord, forgive me, I've lost my way,
And I know not where to go.

The Voice of the Shepherd calls to me,
I see Him standing there so lovingly.
He's calling me by name,
In Him I find strength to return, 

His arms outstretched, I run to Him and embrace my Shepherd there.
His Gentle voice speaks peace to me, and remind's me He's always there.
Into His fold I go, I'm home, and there I will remain,
My Shepherd called my name,
I am lost no more.


My Shepherd called my name, 
I am lost no more.

I think that they did a great job with their songs.  We love you, Trisha and Jodi!

Love, Alia and April  


  1. Lovely posting and your nice looking .Wow very nice and beautiful images I love all the movement photos.Very cute smile and attractive pose.
    thank you for the nice and cute post.

  2. Lovely posting and your nice looking .Wow very nice and beautiful images I love all the movement photos.Very cute smile and attractive pose.
    thank you for the nice and cute post.


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