
Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Fun

I decided recently that I need a little more fun in my life.  Not that taking pictures of office supplies (for the new version of my Mind Organization program) isn't fun,


but in the middle of all this organization, writing, website work, and housework, I've got to enjoy what I have around me.  

Part of this means that I need to find the fun in everyday situations--like when I see Storm Troopers napping under a little parasol (with their weapons handy, of course).

Another part of having fun means I need to get outside my house and enjoy time with the people I love most  (I'm a good worker, but not such a good relaxer).  When we lived in Boston, we'd get bundled up and go ride the subway into the downtown area or visit one of the thousands of museums in the area. 

We don't have many museums within an hour's drive, but we do have beaches, so a few weeks ago, we found this great bike shop in Newport and went about selecting some rentals for the day.

We put Spencer on the back of this beach cruiser, and he rode happily for four hours.  (We're now in the market for one of these.)


Riding up and down the beach was the most fun we've had in a long time.  Grace said, "I couldn't stop smiling the whole day.  Everyone must have thought I was weird because I just smiled and smiled and smiled!" (We've lived 35 minutes from here for six years.  Why have we never done this before?)

I don't know why I forget to incorporate more fun into my life.  Maybe it's because I really do enjoy my work, and I don't notice that I'm not getting enough fresh air and downtime.  Maybe it's because I feel guilty when I'm not being "productive."  Or maybe it's because I forget that having a good time with your loved ones is being productive.  

It also might be because for the past five years, I've had some pretty bad health problems, and I spent many, many Saturdays in bed.  This is the first year I have felt really healthy in my entire married life, and I can't even begin to explain the difference. 

I've noticed, though, that my life is simply happier when I take the time (and invest a little money) to have fun.  (Could there BE a more obvious lesson I needed to learn?)

We went to my favorite restaurant after our bike riding, and I took this picture that strikes me at the heart every time I see it:

These little children (and my husband) are "the main thing" to me.  My task list will always be full.  There will always be laundry to do and emails to answer and projects to tackle, but these children are growing up way too fast, and I never want them to wonder if they mattered to me more than anything else in the world. 

Would you mind sharing some fun, simple ways that you enjoy time together as a family? 



  1. Wow!!! So sweet and cute post. Really loved reading it. It seems that you have enjoyed a lot with your family (the main thing). Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till "some other time."

    Lets have some more fun. Take the test Cool Parent and find out whether you will make a cool parent? I have enjoyed a lot while taking the test. Take the test and have fun.

  2. We've started introducing the kids to TV shows that we liked as kids. Currently it's Wonder Woman thanks to Netflix. But, the kids look forward to the cheesy episodes so much they want to eat their dinner, get ready for bed, and then cuddle up next to us. We'll take it!

  3. April
    I really liked this post. I also have a hard time when I am not productive and I really like getting things done so I have a hard time with downtime also.
    But this Saturday we went to our Chinatown for Vietnamese soup, which is cheap, healthy and sooo soo tasty. Then we went to the chinese bakery and grocery store and let everyone pick out something new to try. We ended up with a lot of exotic treats and it was really fun. On the way home we stopped at this giant toy store and browsed plus everyone jumped on the indoor trampoline.
    Everyone came down with colds so we are now spending time watching youtube videos about how different things are made-gummy worms, butter, frozen pizzas, etc. Kids love it.
    It is really good to spend time together as a family and do some fun things.
    Keep up the fabulous posts!

  4. I felt this this weekend with the warmer sunshine and (maybe?) the coming of spring. Just plopped a camping chair in the yard and watched the kids make mud. Exactly what I needed to combat the end of winter blues.

  5. We're going to buy a gold fish today!

  6. I can't begin to tell you what a hypocrite I feel like lately... Writing a whole chapter on 'The Power of Fun' but allowing my 'to do' list to bog us all down instead! Your post is the motivation I need to INCORPORATE my OWN essay into our life starting TODAY!
    PS-I love, love, love 'The Main Thing' quote.

  7. Thanks everyone! Wonder Woman on Netflix, exotic treats, YouTube "how to" videos, playing in the mud . . . that all sounds so great. Allyson, I have been waiting for almost two years for our goldfish to die so I can have my kitchen counter space back :) but I'm so glad your family is excited about yours. And Tiffany, you're not a hypocrite by any definition of the word. We can't be "all things" all the time. Good luck with your fun! (And I'm going to check out that cool mom quiz.)

  8. OH Yeah Very very nice your photo's some photo's very funny . great idea for fun and fantastic this post i like that . lovely and cute baby. your good family and interesting this post thanks

  9. i like that . lovely and cute baby. your good family and interesting this post thanks
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  10. April, this was great and so true!

  11. I am very happy to after read this post. I really like and I hope you will continue with nice and attractive post. Thanks for the sharing.

  12. Thanks for the share your personal story I really love this post and i think you are great.

  13. I felt this this weekend with the warmer sunshine and (maybe?) the coming of spring. Just plopped a camping chair in the yard and watched the kids make mud. Exactly what I needed to combat the end of winter blues.

  14. seo agency india.comAugust 15, 2011 at 11:21 PM

    I really love this post and i think you are great.

  15. Now a bike shop is no longer the only place to find a great bike, you can find one online
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  16. Beach cruiser prices have escalated to an outrageous price these last few years and together the founders realized there had to be a way to make things more affordable.


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