
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Do you have a "Picture Story"?

This photo has been part of our slideshow on The Power of Moms for the past year or so (it was a finalist in our photo contest).  Every time I see it, my heart leaps and hurts at the same time.  It's because I know the story behind the photo.

This is clearly a precious shot.  I love seeing that cute little boy kissing his mommy's tummy.   However, what makes me tear up is knowing the little baby inside has a terminal disease.  He only lived for an hour and a half, and they knew for most of the pregnancy that he might not even live at all after birth.   

Here's what Jennifer (the mom) had to say about this picture:

To me it epitomizes motherhood, as I tried very hard to celebrate the fact that my youngest son was alive and kicking inside of me, even though I knew he would not live long.  In the past few years I have learned there is a power in celebrating and remembering.

You can see her inspiring blog here.

This image makes me cry even now.  I have two little boys who get to enjoy being brothers every day.  They roll balls and play hide-and-seek while my girls and I shop for dresses.  They read together at night.  They sit at the counter together for every meal and get mad at each other at least once every ten minutes.   When I see this little boy in the photo, I see him kissing his brother whom he won't really get the chance to know until after this life.

I've never met Jennifer, but I truly admire her, and because she was willing to share this photo with us, I cherish my children just a little more each day.

Do any of you have a picture that tells a special story? 

Rachelle Price, our Picture Stories Manager, sent me an email the other day that said this:

I am hoping to add to some interesting short essays and (hopefully) photos that show the many joys and hardships of mothers.   I would love to hear their first-hand experiences
  • What have they learned?
  • What hardships have taught them something others can learn from?
  • What do they love about motherhood?
  • How do they make the mundane meaningful? 
  • How did they get through infertility? 
  • What did they learn from adopting? 
  • What do they hope to become?  
If they have a photo of them with their children (either casual or posed, we'll take it . . . seriously photographs with the Mom in them are hard to come by!) we can put it with their article.  

Would you please help me find some of these women we would love to include on our site?  These mothers will hopefully feel honored that you asked them and excited to be a part of The Power of Moms.  And what's great is when their own story is up on the site they may share it on their blogs or with their co-workers, family, and friends.'s goodness can continue to spread!

If you, or someone you know, has a great picture story to share with The Power of Moms, please email rachelle.price (at)

Thanks so much!

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