
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Ugliest Birthday Cake There Ever Was

My son wanted a Spiderman cake for his 7th birthday.  I was great with that, but Spiderman cakes are pretty pricey at our grocery store, and I didn't think it was worth the money.  So in my head, I thought, "I'll just go buy a Spiderman action figure and put it on a homemade cake."  

In my mind, I pictured a big chocolate cake with pretend skyscrapers, complete with a Spiderman guy crawling up to the top.  Do you want to start laughing now?

I DO need a chance to explain, here....

My son's birthday happened to fall right around an incredibly busy time for our family, and since we were going to have a more formal party with his friends at a later date, I thought it would be okay to just make a simple cake for his "actual" birthday.  The only problem was that I only had an angel food cake and cool whip for a topping.

I made the cake in two loaf pans, spread on some whipped cream--which melted right away because the cake was still hot--and then stuck Spiderman on top (protecting the cake with saran wrap since Spiderman had already been rolling around in our backyard).

I guess this could be one of my most embarrassing "mom" moments, but do you know what?  Ethan loved it.  He couldn't have been happier.  And now we have this fun photo to make us laugh.

The lesson this photo teaches me?  RELAX.


  1. My nearly 5-year-old son just said, "Mom, could you get me that car cake? I really want one!"

  2. Somethings you just have to 'let go'. Good for you!

  3. April - I think this is my favorite April post thus far!! My husband (who occasionally peruses my blog roll) found it before I did. And he said, "check this out!" He laughed pretty hard. And I laughed pretty hard. You are dang awesome for posting this. And I'm with you. We need to relax. It's too easy to sweat the small stuff.

  4. Thanks for the comments! Megan, I giggled throughout the whole day yesterday as I thought about your comment. Isn't it funny how children see things "as they really are"? Thanks for sharing that with me!

  5. I absolutely adore it..because I am SO not a good cake decorator and really it's something I do NOT enjoy in the least. Who cares what it looks like right? It's how it tastes that matter.
    My boys would LOVE that cake too.
    (PS. I just made my daughter a barbie type cake and it turned out looking of my best...but everytime I look at the photo of it it will bring back memories of me acting like a lunatic trying to make stupid barbie look that messy cake=good memories?

  6. I absolutely adore it..because I am SO not a good cake decorator and really it's something I do NOT enjoy in the least. Who cares what it looks like right? It's how it tastes that matter.
    My boys would LOVE that cake too.
    (PS. I just made my daughter a barbie type cake and it turned out looking of my best...but everytime I look at the photo of it it will bring back memories of me acting like a lunatic trying to make stupid barbie look that messy cake=good memories?

  7. Thanks for the comments! Megan, I giggled throughout the whole day yesterday as I thought about your comment. Isn't it funny how children see things "as they really are"? Thanks for sharing that with me!


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