
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Family Mission Statement T-Shirts...Take Two

I am REALLY excited about the family t-shirts we're making for Aspen Grove.  When I was taking family science classes in college, we learned that building family unity helps children feel connected to their parents and siblings (and helps them not look for acceptance elsewhere, in situations that might not be beneficial to them).

Even though we've tried to have fun family traditions over the past several years, I've been mostly in "survival mode," so I haven't had the frame of mind to make something like family t-shirts.  

So here are the templates we just made.  We're printing them onto Avery fabric transfer paper and ironing them onto white t-shirts this afternoon.  The children are as giddy with excitement as I am.  

First, this is the template for me and the children:
And is  one for Eric.  He thinks our family mission statement is kind of crazy, so I told him I'd make a special shirt just for him!

Oh, we are going to have some fun.


  1. April, I LOVE these! Too funny. I think right now our family t-shirts would have to say something like, "The McPhie family: will everyone please just cut it out?!?" Maybe we better wait a few years...

  2. I just want to see 1 picture that is all and that is Eric wearing that shirt in public....thank you very much:)

  3. Megan, your t-shirts sound wonderful. So funny. Yes, I do think that waiting a few years is helpful. It's amazing how things get better as the children age. It's kind of like cheese....

    And Melanie, I will DEFINITELY post a picture of Eric wearing his shirt. Stay tuned.

  4. April, I LOVE these! Too funny. I think right now our family t-shirts would have to say something like, "The McPhie family: will everyone please just cut it out?!?" Maybe we better wait a few years...


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