
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Never Giving Up

I'm over at The Power of Moms today with a post called "Six Reasons to Never Give Up on Motherhood."

Our house is full of summertime right now . . .. We have piles of books from the library, towels and swimsuits drying in the backyard, lots of dishes in the sink, baskets of laundry waiting to be folded, paint brushes and artwork scattered across the table, and schedules full of spontaneity (and a little structure).

It's a sweet, busy (and sometimes frustrating) time, and I feel like I'm writing and working in bits and snatches. But this post about never giving up is one that burned its way out of me, and I'm hopeful the ideas can be helpful to someone. 

I also hope it can generate some good conversations that can better enable us to learn from each other.  (That's my very favorite thing about The Power of Moms.)

Much love,
